If you don't know me personally, you might be asking why I chose the name sunshine. That's actually a very quick and sweet story.
I am the first grandchild on both sides of my family, and the only girl for the longest time. My mom's dad, who I call Papaw, has always called me his sunshine. Ever since I was little, he has called me that because he says I light up his world just like the sun. He used to sing You Are My Sunshine to me and with me when I was little.
He gave me my first guitar and tears filled his eyes when I turned around on his 70th birthday and played You Are My Sunshine on that guitar and sang it to him at his birthday party.
When I first thought about starting this blog, I had no earthly clue what to call it. I thought about calling it The Oily Way, but I knew I wanted it to be more personal and about more things than just oils. One day, The Sunshine Collective popped up in my bind when I was working on re-branding my business page on instagram, sunshine.oilco.
I knew that was a name I could stand behind and that I was proud of and felt represented me as a person and as a friend. I hope you love it as much as I do!